Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A weekend to remember

Hello Everyone!

What an exciting post to share with you all today! I know many of you were praying for us that we would be able to take my mom on a long weekend to a resort in Indio, and we made it! I was really unsure if we could go because mom was not having a good week prior to our leaving and I went up there on Tuesday, the week of, to help out since she was not able to eat much or take care of herself. Well, God is an awesome God, because within 3 days time she was all perked up, packed up, and feeling like a spring chicken, headed off for a weekend adventure!
Let me back up a bit first; For those who don’t know, I have a wonderful friend Charm, who is herself facing a cancer battle with Thyroid cancer and even as I type this, she is recovering from surgery yesterday to remove 3 cancerous tumors from her neck. Please pray for my dear friend, her husband Glenn and her son Grant as they journey through this trial that has lasted the past 8 years. She has such a giving heart and such a generous spirit and truly allows God’s glory to shine through her.

She called me up a month ago and told me she wanted my family to have their timeshare points to take my mom anywhere we wanted to go and to make memories together. I was stunned! She had only just gotten the news that her own cancer situation was worsening, and here she was taking time to call me from City of Hope and tell me to take care of my mom. 

What but the love of Christ would inhabit someone in such a way? This woman is amazing… she won’t let me say that, she would tell me, “No, God is amazing.” My response is always, “but you are showing us even more ways in which He is amazing!” I love that woman.

So we packed up on Friday, just over a week ago, and headed to Indio. Now you should know my family by now, so you would understand that I had joked with mom about doing a Thelma and Louise stunt off the top of the mountain near Joshua Tree where we were going to pass through, cheekily, mom was all for it! However, we really did have almost that experience when I tried to pass a crawling semi-truck and came about 10 feet from kissing the grill of another SUV at 75 MPH! Last time I let mom tell me when to, “Go! Go now!”

Thankfully, we arrived without further incident and without mom giving any more directions. I will sum up our weekend by saying it was relaxing and memorable. It was everything I had hoped it would be. We had a spacious, three bedroom condominium with a nice view of the heated pool… or I should say pools, since there were 5 to choose from! There was plenty of space to sprawl out and eat, talk, watch movies and just sit peaceably in silence with each other. Yes, God is indeed good.

So I leave you with a few pictures and sincere thanks to each of you who prayed for this situation. Your prayers were indeed answered and your faith has proven itself, once again, strong and true.

I love you all and I will update you again on mom soon.



  1. So very happy you had an awesome weekend together! Togetherness always counts and it seems you made the most of it!

    Lots of love!

  2. Sarah, you and your mom have really opened my eyes to what it means, "In everything give praise" and how this act of faith transforms everything. God truly can and will work any situation for good if we trust Him. What an incredible testimony. To praise God in light of cancer means overcoming this world - the victory is already yours, my dear friends. You have taught me so much. My love to you!


  3. I love you I love you I love you- sheri Disney-Colbert colbert

  4. Thank you all so very much! We love you and feel so comforted by your love and support.

  5. I am so happy to hear it was such a great time!! And I will certainly be praying hard for your sweet friend. I know several friends who have had thyroid cancer...all have survived! I'll be praying that same prayer for your dear friend. And of course, that there will be even more wonderful days ahead with your amazing momma!
    Big hugs!!
    Elizabeth B.
