Thursday, December 8, 2011

End of year update on my mom

hello everyone!

It's been a while my friends. My last update was May of this year. I know, I know. I just seemed to run out of time. After a while I think that became my permanent excuse. Thank you Lisa Richards for asking for an update via Facebook. It forced me to write something down, so why not resurrect the blog?

OK... a bit of our year. Most of you know that last Memorial Day mom leaned over in bed and her hip and L4 Lumbar (spine) fractured. The cancer had spread into those areas, making them weak and susceptible to breaking without any originating stress. Mom spent almost 2 weeks in the hospital and had surgery to secure a titanium rod from her hip to her knee. This stabilized the area to allow the bones to heal. 

The problem was, bones that are full of cancer cannot heal. As recommended by her doctor, she had to undergo 3 weeks of radiation treatment. During that time we were so blessed to have her move in with us so that I could care for her. I was so thankful for this time with my mother. 

If any of you know her, you know how hard it is to "take care" of my mom. She does not let you take care of her, she takes care of you. Broken bones or not, she was trying to cook and take care of us. I thought I might have to wrestle her plaid, flannel bottom back into the hospital bed at times! That woman is beautiful and stubborn all-in-one.

By the grace and healing of our Lord, she was able to walk again a month later. And trust me, she was up and running! She spent the remainder of her summer and fall tinkering around the garden and doing some of the things she loves to do.

Her big brother, Glenn, was able to come for a visit from Texas in late October and she felt good enough to run around with him and the rest of the siblings. What a hoot those 4 can be when they are unleashed! They came down here for a visit and I was able to take some pictures of them at my studio in between all the laughter. I snuck some video in too, I know how much I am going to treasure that down the road.

I have noticed however, that lately she has not been sounding as strong. The last time I saw her, she was certainly more weak. Last Friday she found out that the cancer has spread to her brain. There are several tumors bulging out of her skin. Recently, two of them have begun to deteriorate the flesh in those areas. The cancer has truly spread to every area of her body and is taking her life from her.

This was a tough weekend. On Sunday morning, as I sat listening to my dear friend Carolyn give a testimony to her christian walk and how influential her mom has been in her life. I could not help it, the leaking began! I could not hold back the tears because I could not agree more! My mom has meant everything to me and has truly helped to mold me into the woman I am today. Her gentle encouragement and unwavering faith have been my guide for the past thirty something years. 

We have been told that she has only a few months left. She won't be able to come down and visit me anymore like she used to. She won't be able to teach me how to sew or can my own fruits and vegetables. She will not see Emma graduate or Christian drive his first car. But she taught me how to garden, how to cook, and most importantly, how to love without holding back. She has been there for my kids for everything... she has been the best Grandmother they could have ever hoped for.

I love you mom, so much. I look forward to these next few months (and any extra time that the Lord may provide) that we will share. I know that you are loved very deeply by so many. Praise God that He gave you to us, praise Him that you were able to spend so much time with us since your diagnosis. And, praise Him that your legacy will be one of faith, hope and much love...

Until next time,


  1. Sarah, you take my breath away and bring me right into the emotion of it all. I find myself with a knot in my throat and tears feeling my eyes. I just sat with "Momma" Eck on Sunday, at my dad's house. She is always smiling and ready to embrace me. I am so blessed to have you and your family be apart of my life since I was old enough to remember. You inspire me to honor my parents with just as much love and sincerity as you have shown with your beautiful words of devotion. Thank you Sarah for sharing with me. I love you and your family.
    Sheri Colbert

  2. Sheri, and you likewise bring tears to my eyes. Thank you as one of my oldest and dearest friends, you were always there when we were kids to share a few tears.

  3. What a way to honor her while she is still here Sarah.....I think there is no better time to say what we wish we could say, while she is still here to know it! So happy that she's been able to be so blessed with so many friends and family and that she knows what lays ahead in her eternal home! So thankful you updated us so we can pray for her and you all accordingly...thank you for inviting me on the road with you....I enjoy your updates and as Sheri said, it brings me to tears! Love has no boundaries, it never just continues to live on! So much of her lives on and always will.....till we meet again..big hugs! Elizabeth

  4. Sarah you are so right. We are blessed with an amazing and loving mother. She is my strength and my life. Words can not describe what she means to me. She has been there thru all the good and the bad in my life, holding my hand and comforting me with unconditional love. I love you mommy with all my heart! Thank you for all you do. Love always Tammy

  5. Hi Sarah, Thank you for the update. The pictures of your family with her are absolute treasures. As I sit and read this, I am moved to tears by the difficult days ahead, but so admire how you have supported her in her bucket list and made the most of your time together. I know you will cling to the Lord's promises as you are strong for her in the midst of so much grief. We are here for you and will be in prayer. God Bless, Cindy
