I have some exciting updates for you about my mom's bucket list as we have had a few drops begin to fill it! We have received such wonderful response to our celebration of my mom's life and I am pleased to share that a few items from the bucket list are already arranged and financed.
Just to clarify, this list is being worked on, but nothing has taken place as of yet. As many of you know, we had plane tickets to take my mom to Scotland but due to the advancement of her cancer, we have had to cancel that trip (but we have not given up on that item!). We plan to pick up with the rest of the list starting late in November.
Below is an update on the bucket list by item number:
1. Visit Scotland - This will take place, albeit in a non-traditional celebration. More to come on this one so be looking out for some crazy creativity!
2. Eat a whole Marie Calendars Pie - This has been graciously taken care of and will take place next month
3. Visit a Castle - This is partially set up, we will visit Hearst Castle on our way to stay at a beach house (item #6)
4. Stay on a Houseboat - We need help on this one, I am thinking of renting a VERY LARGE houseboat, and having our entire family stay on it. Mom, Dad, all the kids and their families. Nothing set as of yet.
5. Ride in a hot air balloon - Nothing set as of yet
6. Stay in beach house - Some ideas, but financing is still being worked on (the photography fundraiser I am running right now! We hope for this to take place some time in January as a combination of #3 and #7.
7. Take an all girls trip - Combined with #3 and #6
8. Do something outrageous (more to come on this!) - This is an open idea and will randomly take place
9. Drive sports car - We have had inquiries on this one, but nothing is set up yet.
10. Visit the New England area - This will be the tough one. Since my mom cannot fly on a plane, I am thinking a big RV and LOTS of gas. But hey! We can visit friends all across the US on our way right?!!! I do expect this to be a monstrosity of fundraising (unless you are lending us your R.V.!!!) and effort on many people's part.
11. Have a night out in a Limo - This has been graciously taken care of
For those of you that are asking how you can help, I hope this gives you some direction. I know we have a fabulous group out of Oklahoma that are geared up to start working on this list. I have no idea what or how they are doing it, but I am praising God for their love and their faith! In addition to this, I have already had several bookings and purchases for our photography fundraisers.
This blog has received over 460 page views in the past 3 weeks!!!! Praise God that so many people are reading about this journey and if just one of them finds comfort in God's love during a time of trial, then it will have meant so much more to my mom.
I will be away in Europe starting next week and will be picking up a little bit of Scotland while I am there! I will post as much as the Lord puts on my heart or the developments move forward on any more of this list. Please share this blog with everyone you know, email the link to the home page and have them join our adventure!
All of this is a miracle and it is spreading like riples in the water affecting all whose heart feel the connection and share the faith.